Protesters arrested after violent clashes in Hong Kong

In short term the authoritarians will for the most part win, you have to take a long breath and think long term this is how we are going to defeat them, yesterday it was the Yellow Vests, today is the Unbless Movement tomorrow will be someone else, and there is no shortage of tyrants for people to rise up against, one movement has to inspire the next to be resilient and not give up that easy, and when you inspire one they will reflect the same energy back at you to keep on going to keep on marching to never give tyrants a day of rest, the business community has to do more, I gave one example before, those who can afford to close up temporarily or partly for even a few hours to inspire people that they are not alone should do so, like restaurants or other small businesses, close up those calmer hours and put up a sign like an umbrella a sticker of a kind, and in turn the citizens can go and spend their dollars at those restaurants and other businesses to show them support, people should support each other in these ways, make a larger movement out of it, the thing is when our young energetic activists take to throwing things after getting provoked themselves, the elderly protesters leave the protests and the streets and its natural, they would like to stay around but it get too dangerous for them and then you have lost a huge portion of your protesters on the streets that way, so you need to think long term and you need to have a plan how to get your less than younger activists kept involved, they would very much be apart of the protest movement but you need to give them room also to be useful and productive, too much violence will kill the movement, you need to be smart about how to get ALL involved and keep them involved long term, this is how you will defeat the tyrants who always seems to wait till you all get excused and lose interest in why you at the first place started this whole thing, dont let them win.
