Rare look inside China's internment camps holding more than 1 million Mu...

1984 right in plain sight, this is communism for you, Xi will pay for this, its a promise, I urge all Believers to rise up and make their lives as difficult as you can all over the world, dont take their damn money you easily bought traitors and if you, may God give you the worst of everything in this life and next, ALL people of faith if we do not unite here then there is no hope for anything that has to do with faith, this shouldnt NOT be a matter of what denomination we subscribe to, this is about standing up to Evil, our cause is yours and yours is ours, in fact as Believers there is no yours and ours, this is a matter of people of faith standing firmly in front of something that is straight from hell, that is the Chinese Communist Party, if not now then when ?? reeducation camps in this day of age?? oh really, I dont think so, Xi ! YOU are in deeper trouble than your evil mind can imagine you bastard, you have met your match here, I promise you, the good people of China, YOU must stand with us, I am going to help you feel what true self determinations feels like if you are looking for what I also seek, end slavery and where not to start but right here, with these evil communists.
