SE Cupp: This is one of the dumbest strategies I've seen

Telling you all the truth I am fed up with the Dems and their candidates, they dont seems to know what they want and when they want something, take this with medicare for all, when asked if they are for free medicare for all the migrants they all raised their hands, you all know this issue with medicare for all has got some scared over the eventual costs of it, in our view it will cost half of what it cost today if we get rid of the insurance companies, but this question is overshadowed with the overflow of the migrant issue itself, the bottom line is, people do NOT want to see people in mass numbers or in any number for that matter illegally get over the border and claim asylum, a very large number of the population would rather not see one more single person claiming asylum for a at least period of time, and I agree with them, to an extent, because it costs the country the money this large portion of the population rather see being the money being spent on them being spent on the citizens, getting the roads fixed but more importantly getting medicare for all, stuff like this, right now you dont have neither of these things taken cared of and when asked of these Dem candidates if they are willing to extend free medicare for the refugees when you dont have this privilege for the citizens these Dem candidates dont seems to see they are shooting themselves right in the foot contradicting their own work and scaring off a very large portion of the population off like this, I dont understand who these Dem candidates are trying to convince voting for them large enough votes to first get them elected president then to get this passed in the congress, in my view they are indeed bending over to the far left and if thats the course they want to take then I am finished with the Dems telling you the truth, I do want medicare for all but the way most of the Dems are leaning so far to the left they are naturally excluding 70% everyone else, I think raising their hands when asked this was the dumbest thing they could do, I would rather have said, first I will take care of what I have then if I get something over sure thing, and what message does this send to those who wants to get over to America from poorer central America, it sends the wrong message, the first issue in the US right now is, to have very airtight border, a wall is not the answer because it would cost a fortune and it wouldnt stop the flow of migrants, I would rather have hired people to apprehend them then change the law to immediately send them back over the border no question asked, that would tell them who things are done around here, no nonsense, no waste of time and resources, if you want to pass this with medicare for all, first take care of the border, give your citizens the confidence they need that whatever is being spent is spent on them first, take care of your own messy house clean it up before you invite people over, again I hate to say this but I am done with the Dems, I am doing conservative now.
