Skid Row Downtown Los Angeles Christmas Day 2017

After been having this topic with homelessness on my mind for some time now and thought of some things that can be done I am not ready to reveal to you fine people what my plan to finally take care of this issue is, ok I can give you a hint, Escape from LA, lol, ok ok just kidding thats not the plan, but I do have one, it would take me a whole day to write it down here so thats not going to happen because the issue is just very complex, but kidding aside I do have a plan for it and it will work I am pretty sure of it, you guys are lucky that I have much time on my hand to think of complex solutions you are very lucky that way, so dont thank me before hand even thou you could I mean you could start right now praising the plan I have not yet revealed to you but rest assured, it is the best plan I have heard and I am being honest about it and it wouldnt cost much, the state would even save some of the expenses it already is wasting on these issue, the question is this, will I present all my brilliant ideas as a Dem Rep or Third Party, hmm, this question even I dont have the answer to yet, all others I do just not this one :) again kidding aside, this issue has to be taken care of, and I am serious about it, so stay tuned boys and girls ladies and gents because in a couple of years you wont see homeless people on your streets anymore.
