Syrian refugee charged with targeting US church

Thank God they got to him first, hearing this it reminded me of something that I have not talked about in greater detail, I will later on but the case I will talk about later the authorities here in Sweden has been well aware of and they actually acted appropriately so when you guys hear me criticize Sweden and its police and intelligence services I at times forget to mention the fact that I also have people that has been looking after me when the evil ones has tried to frame me for all kinds of things, so let me just say this, I have been very close to be framed by some inside the System for terrorism when these evil ones hired a childhood "friend'' of mine that gave me many years ago an explosive, you know just like that, the guy at his house asked me if I wanted an explosive, he had a few and I knew him since we were little kids I had no reason to be suspicion at him and the guy asked me if I wanted one and I said sure why not, yo know as dum as one can be at times, in any case, I brought the explosive back home with me and later forgot about it, what I didnt knew was that the guy was hired to frame me and what I also didnt knew then was that I was under surveillance, so the authorities could if they wanted with my track record put me away for some time, I know they sure wanted me to use it, not in a terrorist act because I never entertained such ideas but more for a criminal act of a kind, but for me to even have this, they could have acted and framed me for just about anything just for possessing an explosive, so I am sure some good ones in the law enforcement said to the corrupt ones to at least wait and see if he is going to use it and nail him before the fact, but they could have arrested me and put me away for many years, so I have to thank those good ones in the law enforcement for cooling the corrupt ones down in that case and I am sure in other cases as well, the truth is my friends is that and many of you are aware of, i have had enemies from the day I was brought to this country, from day one, from the days I couldnt even imagine any of this, why I was brought to this MK Ultra program and what they had in plans for me, and lets not forget the shia mollas sold me to these luciferian pedophiles and for this I will destroy all mollas of Iran when I God willing get my hands on them, you all will see what I will personally do with Irans supreme filth, when I am finished with them, there will be no ZERO trace of any molla or molla buildings or anything standing left of them, no trace whatsoever, they all belong in Hell, ohhh selling me to a bunch of pedophiles haaa we will see, we will, its a promise but lets not degrees, after watching this it just reminded me, I live among enemies here, but not entirely, there are a few good ones also, and they deserve my thanks :):) 

