Tens of thousands take to streets in renewed Hong Kong protests

I also think it is a very reasonable and sensible to ask for Carrie Wolf to resign back to the MaoLand China where she feel more at home and leave these poor people in peace to decide their own future for themselves, they are doing well and done well thus far, they dont need to turn back the time to medieval times the Communist Party wants to take them back at, I also think it would be a good idea for the mainland Chinese people to wear one color for each day of the week, like back for sundays white on mondays yellow for tuesdays and so on one color for each day of the week in support and also for moral support not least for themselves to show case their true brave revolutionary colors, you need to organize like that, in any way you can, listen to the next video I am posting, you will then see in what kind of trouble you are actually in, in the video they are and it is MOST TRUE telling you how the Communists which is a global phenomenon telling you all they have to do to completely subjugate you is to manipulate you for three generations for you to become totally braindead, listen to the next video, it is not too late to wake up in this age which is the Age of Deception, will you remain a slave or will you be what you was supposed to be, a free human being, you tell me, when you are free.
