US stance on Iran is riddled with contradictions

Look I am going to put this as plainly as I can, I have a question if you can give an 100% the truth and nothing but it, or as close to the real answer I would have praised you and so should everyone else too, the question is, wth is John Bolton doing at MEK sex cult conferences with almost as much passion as these in the cult who would do nothing but longing after the day they could take over Tehran, when Bolton is there and look so much up to them as if he worshiped them and their ideology and that true ideology of any MEK cult member is, look I have lived with and around these rats all my life, nobody knows them intimately as I do, only a true long standing member of this cult knows it as much as I and the God honest truth is, I dont even want to know what more they have done or it only makes me sick, and I dont easily get sick, half of the cult are street thugs and the other half are learned or semi monkeys, they are all as far as I know involved in some kind of crime that would sent you or anyone to prison for a couple of years, at least, their women are even worst than their men and their men are hell hounds, fuckin demons , they are a kind of people who would sell its bother or sister for the right price, that kind of traitors and back stabbers, the one thing that keep these rats united is, SEX, its a sex cult, in this MEK cult insest is super common I am telling you its straight out of hell somewhere, there you can be offered little boys little girls, beastiality. one guy I knew liked to have poot sex with elder women, anyways, and trust me when I say, ALL in this cult are like that, and 90% of their income is from either sex trade or drug smuggling and sell of it, all of them are junkies, then what happens is, these rats infiltrate governments, with marrying with in this cases with Swedes and walla now you have someone in the system, I knew some of them had married Swedish cops and the men were so submissive to their women their wives like they were owned, and they were trust me, they had been worked over they men were, the reason I say this is because, WTH is Bolton doing there, evern being in the same building let alone he is speaking to them just as submissive its obvious trying to please them, my question is, what is Bolton getting so much out of it to act to even risk associate his name with these terrorists and sex criminals, I dont get it, or I think I do, what I am saying is, if you want dirty sex and other very wicked stuff, the MEK is where you seek yourself to, Bolton is risking start a war like he did before but this time is the bitch of MEK and he is echoing their will in President Trumps ears, Bolton is a placed an agent of everything that is crazy in this world, Evil wants a global war people, make no mistake about that, it wants WW3, its an endtimes thing.
