Young Americans Are Increasingly 'Uncomfortable' With LGBTQ Community, G...

I dont want to tell you I told you so, its like with everything else, the more you push for an not very popular idea you will face more and more resistance, the race issue is in the same category, the more you bring up your whiteness your blackness the more you try to push for any of these ideas the deeper the divide you will create and only God knows where it will lead, it would be just better for all and I mean better for all meaning even better for YOU if you stopped talk about these divisive issues till the day people sees you as one of them and not one of something else, but who is there to listen, a couple of years ago we had one day o LGBTQ thing, today you have a whole month dedicated to this, you can only see where this is going or you are too blind to see, but where is there to listen, I speak of experience, in Iran there are many different people lived where they did for ages and nobody is bringing up race related issues so racism is basically non existence in Iran, with all their problems, you in America could and should learn something from it, if I were you, I would have scrapped black african day the hispanic day, all these days, just take it out of your heads and calendars and you will do better, trust me you would, but for now I want more sanctions against the mollas their IRGC and all in their families, all of them criminals.
