Bolton praises 'pressure campaign against Iran'

Bolton is such a buffoon such, by siding witt the sex criminal pedophile drug smuggling totalitarian terrorist death cult like MEK who no one anywhere likes, he is shooting himself in the foot because his rhetorics are not biting or sticking to anyone outside this damn MEK cult and some hard core Ultra Zionists and some of the Arab states, he is so dicontraructive in what he is doing, but as I have explained, there is only one reason any fool hangs around this MEK cult, and it is sex, yes I said it again, they are all driven by kinky sex habits, look guys, not many of you know this MEK cult like I do, I have grown up with them, and I also know their highest ranking members are both luciferian and very close to the molla luciferian cult, in public they seems to be mortal enemies but behind the scene they are very close, and the thing they are united around both the mollas and the MEK is I, yes they are united around having me out of their way, and believe you me they have tried, but failed every single time, because God is looking after me, looking after so these devils cannot harm me more than they already have, look friends, everytime I stand behind a group of freedom seeking people I end up paying for it with my physical health and a little bit of my mental health, there are things I dont want to talk about right now but you should know, like you Hongkongers, everytime and I mean on each occasion I stand vocally up for you, my physical health takes a beating as result, they know they cant kill me so they get back at me in other ways, and lets just leave it as that, but you never saw me back down, did you ?? I never will, as I said, to the end, to the end I will stand with you, and we will with Gods help prevail, we are gonna get through this and we are going to come out victorious, God willing :) 
