Can Georgia and Russia resolve their difference? | Inside Story

Some people perhaps perceive me to be anti Russia and everything Russian, far from reality, what I am simply pointing to is that, you must be a some kind of fool to think Russia is an innocent party and it is seeking stability and world peace and it never get in anyones business, go live on another planet not any in this solar system please because if you do you belong somewhere out there, Russia is ACTIVELY infiltrating all places it can, nothing is off the table for them, and I am NOT saying only Russia is doing this, everybody is, it is unfortunate but nevertheless true, and its goal like all others is to take what is yours in simple terms and get it back to where they are, they have infiltrated even Islamic internet sheikhs like Imran Hossain who is soo deep in Russians pocket I dont know when he got recruited, must have been when he was young and Alex Jones, look guys, Russia has found its kin in the far right and some on the left and some naive in between who think, whatever they do is for preventing a greater war, and Russia is taking advantage everything around this narrative, it is just true and you better believe it, listen if I were a Russian I wouldnt listen to me to any Americans or anyone else for that matter, you use whatever wit wisdom knowledge God has given you and do your best where you are to improve your situation, if you are an Iranian you do the same and you Americans too, all of you, dont go and defend other countries I am NOT talking about nationalism because something more faker than that you need to go to a the Basra Bazar to find, or in Kairo Bazar lol ok ok kidding, the Tehran Bazar is the worst happy now :) hell with all these corrupt tyrants ruling those places, ok in any case, the reason nationalism is faker than the moon landing, lol, it was not fake that one, bad of me to even joke about it, sorry, the point is nationalism is fake because it has turned into a international thing, what kind of looking after your own is that when they all are directed by a selected few, so in my view the nationalism we see today is fake as the ugly face of Tommy Robinson, a Zionist moppet controlled from Tel Aviv, even his name is a fake, true nationalism is an inclusive endeavour because in order to improve what is in the best interest of the country they must know they have to work with all parties, in true nationalism there is no right or left parties but only one united citizens, but thats not the case anywhere, but going back to Russia and what they are up to, what you should look out for is when a media personality goes to praise almost everything Russia while undermining his or her own institutions casting shadows on everything their own, these should rise awareness and your alarms, and I as I have explained, I refuse to belong to one party or one side alone, I am more complex than this, I seek what is the truth and with Gods help will do the right thing whatever it takes me, what I dislike most is my freedom of speech to be restricted when I speak my truth to powers at top, take this God given freedom away from me and I promise you have made yourself an enemy that will make you regret you ever lived, and there are already a few on that list, I will fight to whatever end for these rights and not just for myself but for anyone in need a voice and in time I will have the strongest voice, something you dont want to go up against and if you it is on your own risk, because I will come for you and justice WILL with Gods help be served, it will come to you the way you deserve it, so this time around, I want all you Amiricans to go and vote in record numbers to show, sleepless yes but NOT powerless, go and vote however you like, but go out and vote, show some sovereignty, and for you Iranians, you shouldnt go out to vote, ever, I have something better instored for you, just get rid of those luciferians those anti God mollas those puppets of Eblis, get rid of them and as I have promised, I will transform everything for you in matter of months, then more goodies will come your way, if you could see what I am seeing you would have got lost these losers these devils right away, its up to you, but rest assured, it is going to happen no matter what, devils like these mollas wont last for much longer.
