CrossTalk on Russia and China: The Bear & The Dragon

At least try to make your argument low on nonsensical talking points please, yes Russia is not trying to impose its values on others, they are looking for economical gains and regarding to some sense of common values culturally yes we do share many of those, the rule of law is where we differ, I strongly believe people should have the right to criticize and protest at will without getting rounded up in the thousands for offending their dear leader but when it comes to the Chinese Communist Party, there is not much we share with them, they are waging a war against people of faith and they are merciless in their approach but I dont see you Russian bots here bringing that up and you claim you are the true Christians, hypocritical least said on this issue, AL people of faith MUST unite against those who are trying to take away our God given rights to worship as we please, but for you Russian propagandists profits and money has is contradicting your arguments of how a free society should look like, this is where we differ, the Communist Party is showing their very ugly faces as we speak and they are using technology to subjugate their citizens and may God forbid if they get more powerful than right now, they would do the same with others, they are training on their own people how to enslave people in mass numbers, I wont go along with that, there is no way and I will make sure they will be among the losers, people of faith in our beloved Russia true honest God fearing people there should be on our side because we are on their side, we are risking everything for the sake of humanity and my Russian brothers and sisters are my family too, when the mollas and the Sodom was abusing me the Russian people were one of the first to make me aware of the danger I faced and I will forever be grateful towards them, and I also wish Russia could be one of us as one, I dont seek trouble with Russia in any way shape or form but we have principles we cannot look away from, we all need change for the better and you have to accept as I do that we need to better ourselves, this could be something and should be something that could and should unite the family, the only ones I am against  is the Communist Party because as I have stated, they are waging an unjust war against people of faith, and others too frankly, they are totalitarians I cant go with that, they are anti God and that is they are anti humanity and tolerance, they have no tolerance for anything and we will treat them likewise, it is impossible for them to win this, I can guarantee them this, they have to change not us in these matters I mentioned, we want to set people free as God created us, He gave us our God given free will so who the hell are these Communists to take that away from us, we have God on our side, it has been well proven, it can be proven again, I want the Chinese culture to reach its climax and it can only do that when it is free to show the people to share with the rest of the world how great they truly are, I like cultures, cultures with tolerance for other cultures, go against that and I will be your worst nightmare.
