Einar Tangen on eight weeks of Hong Kong protests

You heard it yourselves ladies and gentlemen, asking for directly elected officials instead of stooges and puppets of the totalitarian Chinese Communist Party and asking for democracy is a non starter they say and say it so arrogantly as if this is the norm everybody should subscribe and accept if you ask me, this tyrannical and evil option is a non starter for any freedom seaking human being, I have a better idea, why dont the Communist Party of China give the Hongkongers what they seek and they are not asking for too much, they only want to have freely elected public servants and officially Hong Kong can still be part of China, it doesnt have to be more difficult than this, you havent lost anything on it realy and everything can go back to normal, Hong Kong can still be part of China with two systems but one country and everybody will be happy and things can perceive as normal again, why is the Communist Party making things so difficult I dont understand, this is the best way to solve the issue, things can go back to what it used to be the next day, just get rid of Carrie Wolf fire her let these people elect the one they want so they feel they have a say in their daily affairs to look after their problems and how to solve it for them like their harsh living conditions so that they could be satisfied, they are not asking for too much, if they were not that dissatisfied they wouldnt go to these lengths, Beijing should respect that and should not make the situation more entangled, what they must come to realization with is that they cant treat the Hongkongers they way they treat the mainland Chinese it is just not realistic, Beijing should wise up and do the right thing this is the fastest the most risk free way to take care of this mess.
