El Salvador's gangs - BBC News

The darkest souls cannot change, I have seen them all know them all and once you have gone dark there is no turning back especially these like his guy in the picture, everyday when he take a look at himself in the mirror he will get reminded of the crimes the dark satanic crimes he has been participating  in, the demons will never let go of his soul, once you have sold your soul to the Devil there is no turning back, you can be naive and think these can but you are wrong, if I was the president of God blessed United of State, I would never ever have granted asylum to anyone with these tattoos and neither should President Super Trump, throw them all out with their heads first, this guy can bring the name of God and Jesus all he wants, soon he will be drawn back where he sold his soul too, sooner or later he will, I am not trying to be cynical about this it is just that my experience is telling me showing me and reminding me of something else, if you think he hasnt been involved in any satanic activities in his life then you dont know anything about how this world works, devil worshiping comes in all kinds of shapes and colors, its everywhere from the top of the pyramid to the lowest dungeon of it, what the devils do not do is in fact too discriminate between races, they see our human race the offsprings of Adam and Hawa as the occupiers of this planet, they would like to see every last one of us just gone, they see us as their mortal enemies and they are good at playing us against each other, what they dont realize is that the reason we were sent here was well never mind that, not going into that right now, the point is, this guys soul now belong to the Devil and thats how it is, there is no refunds when it comes to things like that, and those tattoos hands with those kinds of tattoos shouldnt touch any bread of God, I wouldnt want to eat that bread, there is no blessing in it because that bread is no longer backed in the name of God, look guys I am not trying to be ahole here, I am the most forgiving person in the world, I would say, haha, but there are some lines if you cross it, then its over, even God has stated, there are forgivable sins and there are non forgivable sins, rape a child and you are going straight to Hell, murder a person thats the same, you can go on and believe you can be forgiven but you are only selling yourself false hopes of a reality that will never come to fruition, God even said steal from a orphan no matter what that it you are considered so evil that Paradise is no place for you, hell on the other hand is the perfect place for a person such as yourself, God seperate us depending on our characters and our deeds, as I have said, God will never allow one single jerm enter Paradise, not one single !! dont worry on the Day of Judgment you will find out where you belong, most of you will get very disappointed, and all the mollas 99% of them will end up i Hell.
