Fareed Zakaria outlines 'incoherence' of Trump strategy on Iran

The mollas know very well what will happen to them if they miss calculate their position here, if they make a wrong move they will jeopardize their existence, both where they are and wherever else for that matter, every single one of them, anyone with any affiliation to them, anyone who has eaten from their blood money, not one of them will be left to be, not one single one of them, I promise them this, a final solution can easily be initiated here and everywhere else, if they do something unmanly, they will be met on the battlefield, but if they take to what they are used to animalistic behaviour, the favor will be returned, fully, people here are just waiting to get rid of them all, people just want a reason, so they better not push their luck.

I want a full blockade against them !!! no trade whatsoever, nothing, and if they talk too much, I will have their military bases NUKED, they will be leveled with the ground, but to start with, I want more of their ships seized !!! I also need two guided missiles for each speed boat they have ready to be launched, I want the military of IRGC to be wet very wet in matter of less than half hour, just in case they open their mouths further.

This is NOT against the Iranian people who has been taken hostage by these mollas, they are using you as human shields and now mollas are threatening the rest of the world, they thought they could do the same with what they have done to the Iranian people, hostage taking, wont work here, I want the Iranian people to stand aside and NOT take the side of these devils these luciferian mollas and their IRGC, we want to free you from these monsters, and with Gods help we will, in time you will get freed, to be honest I dont want any outside militaries to get involved in this, I want my own people my own army to do the job with me, I need 50 000 strong men and women of steel with me outside any nations militaries, with that we can take them down, and I want those good God fearing believers inside IRGC to either come over to my side or just stand aside, the rest of these devil worshipers will be taken care of, easily, the mollas have no capability here in this part of the world or anywhere else for that matter, it is all an illusion, it will be proven, that they are monkeys with no powers. 
