Hello friends !
Long time no love ?? whats going on ?? anyways, I need to keep this short so you dont get any wrong ideas, listen friends, you are all caught up in partisan tribal quagmire which is NOT helping anyone really, I am NOT going that route myself, I believe in order to do the most important things, all voices has to be heard, then you might say I am in no good use for you, perhaps you are right or perhaps you are wrong, it depends on you, the choice is in your hand, I know what my soul is driving me towards, it is my own way, I am NOT  saying this in any nonchalant way not at all, but I just cannot take one saide over the other, I need to do what is in the best interest of all and in to get there, we have to step over a couple of bad people, are you with me or are you one of those hypocrite no good sofa activists who turn away and run when things get hard, again the choice is in your hands, I know what I must do, that is not to tolerate corruption, and may God guide us in the right direction, we cant do much more than give it a try, we all have much to lose, I understand that but what can be compared to the rewards of our Creator after we stood up to Evil and told it to go to hell because we are not going to do its will, its simple friends, zero corruption, nothing can go wrong if we all share the same principles, we are the majority, so help us God as United World Citizens, Amen. 
