Hong Kong seafood of fisherman 西環魚王 生劏海釣花臉星斑

It looks cruel this whole thing with eating meat of an animal but there is no other way around it, people eat meat, but what I want to point out is, the man killed the fish in a humane way, I wouldnt have beaten it over the head, I would just cut its throat like he did and let it bleed out, it wont feel much pain that way, I would say he did it only halfway right, but it was still not that bad, what I cannot stand is when they cut the fish while alive and eat it while the poor fish is still watching these heartless monsters with its own eyes, I hope all those people gets cancer and die slowly, I mean it, eating meat is primitive enough but we are allowed what we are not allowed to do is to make the animals suffer, specially not in a sadistic way, this practice should be banned, the right way is to cut its vain and let it bleed out and also in this way you will get a better quality meat from the animal, it also taste better, I know these people who cut up a fish like crazies they also know in order to get a good quality meat out of the poor fish you need to cut it open quickly, but for Gods sake NOT while it is alive not like that, anyway it should be banned I think.
