How Iran Spread Its Influence Across The Middle East

What I fear most is when people misscharachrases Iran and Iranians, it is a distinct difference between the Iranian people and the mollas and their cult members, when some mischaracterizes Iran and its people you are directly playing in the hands of the mollas and their symatasiers outside Iran even some anti war activists here who know about the mischaracterization and then go on themselves out of ignorance and defend the regime of the mollas that are for now representing Iran, I have heard so much bs about Iran and its people in the western media that has frustrated me almost to the point that I want to give up, things like the gay situation in Iran, I hear people say in Iran they are throwing gays out to the roofs of buildings, I hear it every now and then on the View where Meghan Mccain is spewing this nonsense, because Iran is represented by the luciferian mollas and they seemingly represent the faith of the Iranians that is Islam with nonsense like this that the Muslims in Iran are so backward that they trow gays out like that to murder them, and people are watching programs like the View programs and from personalities they trust and even they cannot keep themselves to a few simple truths, with BS like this you are not only turning some of your more educated people against you but also the rest of the Iranians and by that you are playing in the hands of these luciferians, so please next time, refer to them as the mollas and not Iran and its people, thank you.
