I have said this so many times and it is worth remind you believers of what constitute a value of a currency, every Christian knows this and every Muslim knows this, because it is very clearly stated in our Holy Books how SERIOUS God and His messengers took on this issue, I ave and I will continue making you all Iranians if you still have any honor left in you that your rulers are luciferians, they are NOT believers, they worship Eblis and they follow his guidelines one of these guidelines and you have to be blind not to see is to make Islam which means obedience in peace to the guidelines of the Creator look something backward and even evil, another is the issue of sound money, which is supposed to be backed and based on something of value, NOT these cryptocurrencies, this is pure out of the handbook of Evil and may God keep punishing you Iranians if you allow them luciferian mollas to adopt this evil among your society too, He WILL keep making things worse than you could ever imagine it, do NOT blame others for your own deficiencies your lack of belief in what is sound and good for you, my job is to remind you of the dangers you are facing, the rest is up to you. you can only prosper when these satanic mollas are out of the way, as I said it is your lives and you are responsible for whatever they bring down upon you like they have done for the past four decades, 40 years of suffering is enough I think, I dont know what you think but I say it is enough, changes has to be made, and drastic ones if you want a way out of this bondage you have placed ourselves under for taking the bate, and for how little you gave up four decades for, but it can with Gods help be changed overnight.
