Iran on ‘dangerous path’ after British-flagged tanker seizure

It was a bad move by the mollas and their IRGC to illegally seize the cargo ship, they have nothing to gain from it, nothing at all, and they wont close the Hormuz strait, they wont risk lose their last friend China and also many others by damaging their economies too, and I hope no more ships will be allowed to get pareted by the mollas, I thought the situation was under control apparently not, more has to be done on that front making sure the IRGC get the message that every ally ships are under watchful eyes, regarding the sanctions and the argument that the Iranian people are the main victims of this is not simply true, a year and a half after the nuclear deal was signed not one penny of that money went to the Iranian people, not one single penny and I was asking the Iranian people when I was there and the situation for them had not changed in any manner is what they told me, they said nothing had changed and this was wat every single of those I asked were telling me, and if you know the mollas you know this is true, they wont give a penny to anyone, they are just that cheap, they eat air and crap foam not to get hungry and you expect them to give anything to anyone, ask any Iranian how charitable how generous a molla can be, you wont find anyone, the mollas and their guard dogs are there for their own benefits they are looting Irans wealth and moving it out of Iran is what I am haring right now, Iranians better stop this madness themselves, their only enemies are the mollas and the IRGC, they have no other enemies, well then we have the MEK and a couple of others, I have long said, I understand the Iranian people feel hopeless right now because they do not have an weapons, and if they rise up against the mollas, the mollas will like they have done in the past against the protesters they will bring in their Lebanese HezbeSheytan and their Iraqi allies to crack down on the Iranian people and shut them up, Irans military better grow a pair and stand up united against these foreign cancer that are the mollas.
