Iran Seizes British Tanker After British Seize Iranian Tanker

You are wrong Kim about Iran or more correctly the mollas that they dont seek war, I am sorry to inform you that you really dont know the secret history of the mollas, why they were installed in Iran and what their end goal is, they are end of times these mollas, the Ultra Zionists are too bothe from the Jewish and Christian factions, and I am NOT talking about the everyday end time Christians Jewish or the shia mollas, what they want we all know, they all want to in their view start or haisten their so called salvation, the Christians believe they are going to be raptured the Jews are waiting for their king of Jews their messiah and the fanatic Muslims are waiting for their savior, and all these three do not share the same belief how this is going to happen, they all have their theories (but) behind the scene and here is the secret, all these three, their top leaders are sharing the same belief, not their subjects but their top leaders have all one leader, we call Satan, this satan is in control of the whole planet and all the leaders under him seek to start this WW3 to kill of most of humanity, but in order to do that they must in public disagree with one another and make people of the world believe this is a religious conflict and to start this damn war they need something like geo politics to blame it on, incidents like this, like you see today, so do not think for a moment that the shia mollas are innocent, again to get a some kind of hold on this you need to know who installed them from the get go, trust me when I say it, the mollas are themselves controlled by another evil entity, they are luciferian ! I know they dont look like your average luciferian but dont let their hobo dresses and their turbans fool you, the mollas are more corrupt than many others that we know for a fact are super corrupt, the whole shia theology is about the end times its not really the end of time, it is end of an era and beginning of a new and they are they have made their preparations for it, like everyone else that are aware of what is going on this planet, but the end of all time is also very close, the whole Universe is about to seize, time itself is about to dissolve and with it all natural laws in the Universe, that would be the true end of times, and its very near but before that a couple of things has to happen, evil has to be defeated first, because God has to and will come out triumph, it has to be proven for all sceptics who is the true Master of Everything, the Creator Himself, we do live in extraordinary times and people will see with their own eyes that we never were alone on this prison planet and thats the less important things we are about to witness soon, you will see it too, we all will, but make no mistake, the mollas are EVIL !!! they are NOT of the good guys, they are of Satan their father, it is infact a prophecy that says these mollas will start this final war, that they will be the instigators of this event.
