Is Infighting Hurting Democrats? | The View

To be honest, this infighting among the Dems are killing them, in my view it is a hopeless party, everyone is trying to pull things at their direction with no consideration for anyone else tearing the party apart when there was a bit unity a year or so ago then it was fun to be part of it but now, it just feels hopeless I cant bear it I am sorry, but I would like to see Sen Bernie Sanders win but if President Trump wins thats ok with me too, works either way for me, but this time around we need a record breaking voter turnout to show outsiders, the country is united as one, because I see a threat looming and I also see its tentacles already too deep inland stirring up trouble, they would love to see civil war and they have their moppets like Alex Jokes and others who are doing their biddings and I dont like it, but then we have misleading informations sometimes perhaps innocently out of the View and from some of its hosts that is also playing into the hands of the adversaries, ONLY the truth can set us all free, only that and nothing else, keep that in mind you all !!!
