Jon Stewart Slams Rand Paul Over 9/11 Bill Delay | The View

I like the Paul family, they are good people. but WTH man ???? the 911 first responders as Meghan said, must get whatever the hell they want, there shouldnt be a discussion about it, even politically it is suicide to oppose this bill, people should know that, but it shouldnt be about politics, its about humanity and fairness, we have aford giving the military more than they ask for and we dont mind running a deficit by trillions but when it comes to the heros the real ones then we have all the excuses in the world to not help those who risked their lives saving the face of America, remember, when the world came out in solidarity for America, it wasnt for my momma or yours, it was for those who got affected by the tragedy and the ones who has been most affected was the first responders and their families, so now do not disgrace the face of America if you are a real patriot, conservative or not, America is under great threat by those who seek to divide to weaken her so they could become themselves the next superpower and they are corrupt many times more than America is, they dont even allow free speech, say anything in disfavor of their dear leaders and see where you end up at, if you are lucky dead, think about that next time before you give your support to these corrupt places where the word God is getting misused for their own wicked purposes, I believe America is way less hypocritical that way, it still have the rule of law to a certain degree lot more than these other places where people worship their leaders without resistance, America is worth saving, think about that you Americans, I rather be part of something greater with greater numbers and greater peoples than a part of a small corrupt evil elites ruling over others as slave masters.
