Noahide Laws Prayer in Congress & Dance Party Outside

The Talmudic Seven Noahide Laws is another word for the Jihadi Sharia Law and here you have NOT a Torah rabbi but a Talmud rabbis on congress advocating for this insane extremist laws and no one is talking about it but as you can see even the gentiles in the congress stands there with this heads bowed in respect in what this mad rabbi is ordering them to do, explain that to me please, and you can not stop bitching about "sharia laws" taking over your whole world and nations, all a bunch of baloney, HERE you have the real deal and they are telling you their plans, subjugation, death sentence if you break their Talmudic laws, has zero nothing to do with the Holy Torah, the Talmud was written by men its NOT the Words of God in fact its anti what God has stated how things should be like, the Antichrist !!!
