Riot police at Old Bailey as Tommy Robinson jailed for nine months

The world is a complicated place, the conspiracies goes deeper than the deepest black hole and I am serious, I dont know how many times I have to say this yet I must not get tired to repeat the same old words of mine, look friends, there are those in the world and they are those people YOU like those on the front pages that YOU look up to not all but more than you think, they seek to destabilize the world the whole planet to usher this luciferian NWO through chaos, they all speak of peace and they go to great lengths to criticize the other peacemakers for being not being up to their level, whatever that lever might be but they do, these powers seek out and to support anyone in leadership that is surrounded with controversies because normally half of the people either hate or love them, so I say to you, put your differences aside, just make sure you have an open eye onto those who are supported from outside powers, this is all you have to do, and also look out for those among you who seeks to undermine your own countries by always speak ill of it, or half of it because divide and conquer is a well proven method how to create insecurity that can lead to stabilization inside the country, look I understand it is nice to have someone powerful behind you when you are trying to get your message across, especially when again half of the people love you and the other half hate you, sure it is nice to have this powerful group and that behind you, what is not nice in my opinion is when this group or that is of a foreign origin, because trust me, none of these outside powers have any love for you and your countries, and this goes to the Iranians as well, first of all, the Iranians have no idea whatsoever or most of them who these satanic mollas are, they have hijacked the issue of Ahlul Bait, that is the blood family of Prophet Mohammad and the the suffering they were put through by evil people, these mollas are using their suffering to go about their own luciferian agenda, it has nothing to do with Islam or any of it, you all know almost every member of the cult of IRGC are millionaires some even billionaires, but most are actually very rich people, and they know their time is soon up and the word is, a powerful country I am not mentioning the name of has given sanctuary to the mollas and their families and all their belongings, the word is, the mollas are already moving there, with everything they have stolen, Irans belongings, likes its national reserve gold, they actually started a few years ago, then they brought that building down where all the state documents were stored to erase any trace of the financial records, this is happening right in front of your eyes people, and on top of that, the mollas has taken the whole Iranian population hostage, because they are saying, if their time is up, they will stage an event that ensure all powerful countries to be forced to get involved in this coming war that will lead to WW3 and nuclear weapons being used by all sides, they dont have to bring in other countries but they are threatening they will, what this means is they are not even men enough to die with honor, they are saying, if they must go then they will bring all others down with them, I need to ask you, is this words of true believers or the words of Satan himself, I am telling you friends, there are many things you are not aware of with these mollas, its a cult, it has nothing to do with Islam or God but everything to do with Evil, and now they are taking all of Iranians and then the rest of the world hostages, and as I have stated, the other luciferians love this, because this will be sufficient enough to also get to the same evil goal, that is to kill of most of humanity and they have found their catalyst that is the mollas, so you damn lefties you better think twice before you go on to support these mollas, you are defending Evil itself, I am not surprised because you dont even believer Evil exist, making you one of their best tools, you are doing no one a favor by defending anything molla, you should in fact be on my side, listen, I am up against the most evil force on this planet right now, and I dont need you to tell me how to deal with this Evil, I know what they are and what they are made of, what we all must do is to make sure this war these luciferians have in plans will not spread outside the Middle East, it must be contained there and God willing it will, I for my part will NOT forget or forgive these mollas, one of the main reasons are, they do not recognize kindness, whatever you do for these rats they think you owed them, and in the end of the day they will ask you, what did you ever do, do you know how many times I have heard this ?? and trust me most of you have got one thing wrong about me, I do NOT do this because my feelings has been hurt or anything of selfish reasons, oh no, a day doesnt go by with me not hoping all this could be avoided and forgotten about, it just cant because too many people are in real dispare thanks to these evil luciferian rats, in their prisons, under their satanic rule, I say we have to defeat them and do it smartly, and we can, trust me we can, we can do this if we are united, and look when we were united or some of us not all of you but when some of us were united wwe defeated a couple of tyrants and made them pay, the outcomes speaks for itself, you might be frightened by the methods when all this was going on but you couldnt see the end as I did, and now after the fact, and you need to answer this honestly, was it as horrifying a you first thought ?? not it wasnt, it went well, perhaps too good in many respects, I say we can repeat it and do even better much better, but some of you are making things difficult for me with your disbelief, look no matter what we are going to defeat every single blood thirsty son of a devil out there and we are going to have the last laugh and we are going to change the world for better, with your help or without it.
