Robert Mueller: Russians are interfering 'as we sit here'

I think victim notification is a very good idea, it is good to make the person in question aware of what they are being exposed of and then to see if the person changes its routines or continue with the same, and how to stop any interference when it comes to any nation can only be successful if the citizens feel apart of the process and more importantly they have to have confidence in the institutions and the overall system of the country, people need to feel proud to be part of something and then they will protect it with everything they have, its like a family member who feels he or she is not being heard at home, what does such a person do, he or she will go and talk outside their families and if there are too many or one prick who are waiting to take advantage of such a weak person they now have the best victim to work on, media needs to play a more constructive roll here, because this is partly the medias fault, when they listen or to give air to crazy warmongers and other corrupt individuals who destructive shortsighted endeavours always comes back to haunt not them personally but the whole country and the institutions people had confidence in to protect against such corruption to begin with, you see it doesnt take much in this day of age with information getting shared all over the world in seconds to bring down or to weaken an institution or a whole country for that matter in no time when corruption on a massive level gets exposed and revealed, news spreads fast, to restore confidence as you all know takes a whole lot longer time, so I think we have some work to do, and it wont be easy, but there is till time thanks to God meaning there is still hope, God willing.
