Russia Arrests Nearly 1,400 at Opposition Protest as Leading Activist Is...

So you can get arrested for calling for protest in Russia, what kind of hellhole do these poor people live in, what concerns me is everytime the Russian authorities comes in with countless of busses with the intention of rounding people up in mass numbers, I never seen that anywhere else, people should be able to to both speak up and protest after their likings, and if the authorities dont want that then they should look to everyone is taken cared of, and I truly feel with this protest leader Alexy Nevaly guy, because no one in the world has been poisoned like I have, but not anyone is like myself totally immune to any kind of poison the Sodomites and the shia mollas and their proxies has put in my, I am fully protected by the Creator Himself, no such harm can ever bring me down, and trust me friends I am NOT kidding on this matter, the amount of poisons the shia mollas and the Sodomites has put in me only a fraction of it would kill anyone else, but what do you know, I am still here and doing well all thanks to God, and I will outlive all these luciferian monsters and you can take my word to the bank and check in it, its that solid, I am bulletproof I am always on the border line but still alive, you hear me saying the shia mollas this and that, yes the sunnis has also tried but that has for the most part has been on an individual level but mostly directed by the luciferian Sodomites but the shias has done this on an organized level as a group and their shiaism has always been in the central of their motivations, their supreme son a bitch will come to pay, and they should trade very carefully or I will have them nuked out of existence, in fact I can have them all anyone affiliated with them eradicated no matter who many they are and where they are, in fact I could just go on and nuke the hell out of southern Lebanon before I have them all deported there, gather them all these satanic luciferian shia priks and turn them into ashes, they have no idea who they are messing with here, I can be their worst nightmare, this is not against all shias, I can tell them and they if they are true believers is that none of them have experienced the evilness of their top leaders and I know what kind of bastards what kind of luciferians they actually are, this has nothing to do with our Ahlul Bait, the shia cult leaders has misused their suffering, I know this know and you should trust me when I say, your shia mollas are NOT what you thought of them, they are indeed luciferians, they dont look like your average luciferians but make no mistake they are, Nasralah is a drug trafficker he is evil as Saddam Hussein was and he will share his place in hellfire, and so will every top IRGC millionaire billionaire general, I again end with this, Eblis controlled Iran under the Shah and after him, I know this for a fact, follow the mollas and you will go to Hell, simple as that.
