SE Cupp: This has reached embarrassing new lows

Good points, seriously all valid points, but whats the problem over here, I can tell you, the reason the loudest voices are on the either the far right and at the end of the left spectrum is because of the frustration the centrists on both sides has produced by not hearing anyone out but give all the attention to themselves, in other words the centrists are not inclusive so people feel they have to go to extremes to get heard, I have another personal brilliant idea, this is what I am gonna do, one week after the other I am going to go either liberal and conservative and I am going to do my best to be on both sides, call it split personality disorder I dont care lol on a more serious note, this divide is killing America and from what I am seeing, foreign adversaries are walking by standing by to get the falling scraps, I believe if you dont unite and keep falling apart if leaders from both sides do not come up with something that heals the divide it wont end well, look guys, everything cannot be just about winning elections, and if this is the case, you are going to eat up each other from inside out, I am warning you, a total win of one side is killing your other half, making you just one semi healthy half yourself, think about this !! you need to leave something for the losing part as well and here is where the mainstream media has to do a better job, we have enough alternative media outlets doing their best to draw all the attentions to themselves by smearing others and the mainstream is following their lead in this, thinking the are hip or something, the mainstream must get its act together, I propose they all get a meeting a sit down and talk through a strategy that allows some kind of unifying rhetoric for people to understand, it is the United State of America and not the disunited states, good luck :) and screw you all :):) kidding kidding :)
