Swedish prosecutor wants to keep A$AP Rocky in custody for another week

Correction !

Sweden has NOT the most humane prisons at all, in fact it has one of EUs worst, this is NOT one of my everyday bashing Sodom rants this is true, this rapper is not in prison right now, he is I dont know what you call it in the US, its more like jail but not like your jails, before any trail they put you for any amount of time it could be years in a solitary confinement with no contact with anyone, many times in cases where the media is involved they put you in a room yes its clean but thats about it, they put you there with no contact with anyone but your lawyer no tv no rado if you are lucky some old readings and the reason they do it is so that you dont get any information about your case from the media, and you could spend time there for months all alone looking at the sealings hearing people scream and shout till its your time for trail, the EU has criticized Sweden for its inhumane way of treating suspects this way, I can personally testify of other illagilaties committed in these jails or whatever where they have installed hidden cameras to record people, it is all illegal but as I have talked about many times, the Swedish law enforcement is run by a pedophile luciferian cult thinking they can do whatever the hell they want, well not with me, the information I have will all be released and I wont stop for nothing to get some justice from these bastards, again the reason it is most inhuman is because, magain you are all alone for months in solitary confinement for a long period of time, it will and I dont care how strong mentally you think you are will give you long lasting negative effects, I know real hard core gangsters here in town who many have respect for and after tree four days they start crying like babies there, yeah thas how tough they really are, by themselves they are nothing but pussies but with a gang behind them they suddenly turn into this respectable gangster, so you are absolutely wrong, Sodom has the worst prisons in EU, the reason Saddam wanted to come here is precisely because of this reason, he knew he would be put in one of these rooms and nobody would bother him, he knew this was his best option not because the prisons are so great here.
