Turkey Receives Russian Missiles Opposed by U.S.

I would very  much like to see Turkey and President Erdogan be on the side of Nato and generally this side, it would be a waste of time taking the side of the mollas or anyone else for that matter, we are the winning team, we will restore order to the galaxy and this side will over all be the side anyone would like to be on, I would even suggest Russian and everybody else to be on our side because we want what is in the best interest of all, if I were Russia I would never ever take the side of the mollas over mine, it would just not be worth it, I am just being farsighted and honest, why would anyone want to be on the side of a bunch of losers, Russia should think about its own interest instead of the mollas who are goners anyway, I wouldnt assist the mollas in any way, I hope we can have a better friendlier relationship with Russia in the future as well, but one thing has to be very clear, the mollas are goners and anyone taking their side over mine will not be forgiven.
