U.S. kicks Turkey out of fighter jet program after it buys Russian missi...

My understanding is that the reason Turkey was denied the Patriot system was because they were already cosying up to Russia and that made the US military a bit concerned and thats why they were denied the system, but the question is what is there to do now, the system is already bought and paid for and soon it will be operational, what many do not know is the fact that Turkish officials were looking for a closer ties with the eastern countries when the EU was repeatedly offending Turkey by not allowing them into EU, this is where it all started, it started with the rift between the EU that is also Nato then it has only escalated to where we are right now, it was NOT President Obamas fault at all, it started in EU, its a long story so blaming it on President Obama is not historical correct but also not fair, again the question is what to do now, look Turkey wanted or perhaps still want to get closer to to the west but it is the west that has played with Turkey for 20 years now, the changes should start right here in EU and I suggest we must prepare a seat at the table for Turkey and you better do it quickly !! before it is too late, swallow your pride and let Turkey join in, look Turkey is already part of Europe and they are richer than many EU countries, they are doing not too bad, they could be an asset, it would be lot worse if they on other sides, people will come to regret it, and then it is the issue with the communist Kurds some in the west like many far right politicians love so much, to still stick to a losing bet this with the community separatist Kurds that will never have a Maoist Kurdish nation among civilized people you have pushed the whole country of Turkey to the other side, and what have you gained form it, nothing at all but resentment from the Turks, congratulations I say, so you have traded this losing issue to what ???? fools, its the same with some idiots still hanging on to another cult like MEK, a cult that will never get anywhere because everybody hates them totalitarian terrorists and made too many Iranians who would love to see the mollas gone but now they dont trust the other side because we have too many braindead corrupt policy makers who are there for wrong reasons, the same mistake has been done with respect to Turkey, I say get to Turkey have a real discussion with their leaders and tell them, we are on their side, before its too late, its of your own doing, some at least, make room for Turkey and have them back right now !!!  and this thing with the SAM, I am sure Nato military can work something out solving the issue so that the Russian SAM does not possess a threat to Nato military.
