Why Some 'Fauxgressives' Are Against the Palestinian BDS Movement

It is a hard topic to get your head around if you are not fully informed about many points of both side of the argument, and Kim here is very ill informed about the subject matter, she said it herself, so she is honest that way, and I also understand the fear of the Palestinians becoming the majority and what they perhaps will do to get back at the Jews, I am not very sure about that fear myself but there is a chance some of their far right leader rises up and start for selfish reasons any reason but peace and stability start to drive people to do something, this phenomenon we can see all over the world when losers  with obsession of delusions of grandeur these wannabe warlords get some ideas, the Palestinians are no different than any of these megalomaniac maniacs, happens all over the place, this with sharia law is misunderstood by most of you, during Prophet Muhammad there were HIS the true sharia law affecting only the muslims and no other not the Jews not the christians or the pegans, because they had their own type of sharia laws, ask any orthodox Jews and they will tell you, but I am not going to go into all that right now, what I will say is, I firmly believe in a ONE STATE SOLUTION, with rule of common law, meaning the muslims way of life must not get imposed on non Muslims, it has more to do with marriage divorce laws and things like that, no homos will get harassed but still thats the minor issues I would say, the reason most are for a two state solution is because of the issue of who gets in majority, and many fear also the rights of return and claim of property, for this reason I have suggested, the Palestinians will be allowed to get back, making the European Ins and many others happy but whole new cities will be built for them and they can do whatever they want in their cities much like the United State and the Jews can still live where they do with minor changes because of the Old City and things like that, and the most contested neighborhoods where the Palestinians lost their property to the Jews will get demolished and turned into national parks, and new neighborhoods with better accommodations will be built for both of them, there are other things that will be done to to please both of them, I want to say this also, I will never and cannot forget the kind of kindness I have received from the Jews when the mollas and these Sodomites here were abusing me, for this I am always thankful and I will return the favor rest assured of that, I also know Mossad and other Israelis has tried has conspired to get me killed but failed, by now they should know who the true King is, make no mistake about that, they only have one choice and I will tell you what that is and everyone else knows that too and that is, if there is no peace in the Holy Land, humanity will get doomed, no peace there means the end of everything, so stop nagging about climate change, the urgent change is needed right in the Holy land right now and peace can only be established when these two get along, they will get along but the question is,will it be before war breaks out or after, if it happens before, well then it will be the best of times with more than enough for everyone and if it is after the fact then I can promise you, no matter how much you have you will still cry till the day of Judgment Day because then you will realise, non of what you have no matter how plenty was worth what you have witnessed with your own eyes and you will go on to blame yourself for not getting to your senses before, do not act like a mad dogs, both of you, you will regret it.
