World leaders, the public and Boris Johnson's dad react to him becoming ...

Good choice to elect Mr Johnson as the next Prime Minister :) my final wrist word and last to the west is to, let nothing come in between the people and the nations of west, only united will we all stay stronger and more prosperous, dont let these molla agents eat your brains and corrupt your minds, look, 90% of their own people straight out hates them, one thing Iranians would not forget and no other from any country should not accept is, your government or whomever running it when you as citizens go out to protest then the running group who 90% of their own populations despises calls in reinforcements from foreign neighboring countries to get in and clamp down on protesters, this has happened in Iran when the mollas called in people from Lebanon and Iraqis coming in dressed like riot police with weapons and start beating people, and the all spoke Arabic, in Tehran, look if the riot police would have been Iranian citizens like from Ahvaz and like, I wouldnt have any problem with it, but these other guys are as much as we know are not even Iranian citizens but brought in from outside Iran, the point is, the molla regime is pure evil and its about time somebody told them that, people shouldnt make a mistake, something corrupt like the molla regime, this is what God talking about rule in a historic context, He says He gives rule to a groups of people to test them, and as easy as He give them that rule to show what they go for as easy He takes it and give it to someone else and mostly, all groups fail it goes on till where we are at our time, and its obvious that the mollas has failed miserably, it shows they are at the end of their rule because God will take it from them now and gives and test another one, they are at the end of their circle, it has only been 40 years of devastation, 40 years of massive one failure over the other and what have they achieved, they have even lost the ideological highground they are at the bottom of the ladder right now, punks. lol
