Gov. Larry Hogan on Why He Didn’t Challenge Trump in 2020

My question to the sceptics and the critics is but before I ask this fundamental question I want to say, I understand its more political correct to sit there and say, lets unite and let us not point to the main issues and how to solve them because in order to do that you will piss of some and why they get angry is because they are either on the far right or the far right of the spectrum and they dont want to compromise on anything, like I understand some on the far left it is absolutely taboo to mention we have to stop taking in more people, they have this reason for themselves that when a family walks ten thousand miles to reach a better off country we have to automatically grant them asylum, or we are just tyrants, if this is the case, there are always those millions upon millions who want to reach a better of country and what are we supposed to do just let millions upon millions just to walk in and take care of them, when we have millions of homeless people, do our homeless citizens have less rights does our veterans with all kinds of issues not more rights to be first taken cared of than the millions that do want to enter in, of course not they sure dont, we take care of ours first and if something is left over then we can start thinking about others, we dont even provide clean drinking water to our own people, there are just too many issues that needs to be taken cared of first, so I cannot see eye to eye with those who wants to take in anyone at anytime, we have responsibility to our own people first and thats a first, I understand some wants to look nice and dandy keep stay likeable to all and instead of coming with real solutions instead criticize people who actually wants to fix our problems, look if you want to take care of a family from any of these countries why dont you send half of your paycheck that I am sure will fix many of their problems but do not come and tell me we need to take the resources of our homeless those without healthcare and give it to those who wants to come over, why dont you start a NGO and do what you can for them and my God bless you in your efforts, trully, if this nonsense continues I will be for a not a 30 foot tall wall but a 60 foot one coast to coast for that matter, and I also want to say this, the immigration policies I have for European countries are not excalctlyn the same that should be implemented for the US, like language skills, we have two distinct cultures here on these two continents, sure in the US its a bit different you dont have to 100% speak English to come by even though you need to but here, we have only one language and thats it, you have to learn the native language or you wont get anywhere, there is no way you can get a job if you dont speak Swedish, in America you can still work on a field or a plant or a restaurant and such jobs as soon as you arrive, here things dont work that way, you need to learn how to communicate sooner and if you dont you risk falling behind and live your rest of your life in a ghetto with its very bad culture that it brings and these issues are precisely what is flaring up hot sentiments and it looks like things can fall out of hands, so there are some concrete things we have to do and it wont be popular, it will be a dirty job but somebody has to do it, and it wont be me baby because daddy is leaving, daddy is coming home, very soon :):), but I have an issue, I dont have a sea plotter, I only have a handheld little GPS device and a compass so when I get near New York be sure to pick me up because I dont know where to land, i think I will mourn at the Liberty Statue and take things from there, that one I think can find so see you when I see you :)
