Hello friends !
I am going to tell you what is more disturbing beside these mass shooting tragedies in almost all these cases from what I hear from people on the right, and I am not even talking about peoples on the far right but people on the right, now and as always they are trying to cast shadow on what really happened and in the case of the El Paso shooting now they are trying to say there were multiple shooters and that there just has to be some kind of government or what the hell ever conspiracy behind it, and they back their theory on one scared female saying she saw three or four people wearing black who she saw, then these conspiracy theories and I do like conspiracy theories as much as the next guy but this one is just too crazy even for my taste and they also support this outrageous theory on this mother who thought she saw three or four persons and her daughter who didnt see anything herself but repeat her mothers words and all of the sudden these on the right are telling you there are multiple witnesses when there is none and that something must be up here because the government wants to grab everyones guns from them so they like aways go on to cast more shadow on each and every of these mass shootings, my question is, this shooter or even if there were more than one, while they were on their killing spree, they didnt and couldnt murder just about everyone in their sight, so there must have been more than this frightened mother who must have also seen if there were more than one shooter but there were none, these people on the right and their channels they will say and spread any fake damn news just to have people tuning into their damn channels, Alex Jones is one of these lunatics spreading these lies too, but he is not alone, I see many too many of these spreading these theories, this is what is most disturbing in my view beside the tragedies itself, why can we not just report the news as it is instead of spreading distrust in case of these and every of these acts of evil, they must stop this nonsense, there were none more than these lunatics and that is what we know of, if there were others dont you think they would be on the internet speaking up in mass numbers, the government couldnt stop them all you know you lunatics yourselves, what you are doing is almost just as evil because you have no intentions to actually sold the issue, and when you go to their channels any criticism of these acts of evil are shoved under the matt, in each and every case this is what we see, this is a tragedy in itself I say.
I am for background checks it is a good idea and gun licensing is another one, but more than that I am also for confiscating the guns of anyone deemed to be a borderline lunatic, absolutely, if you post comments to be willing to hurt people you shouldnt definitely have any damn access to weapons, you are making all other honest gun owners the good people the stable gun owners looking bad and I also urge all these good willing gun owners standing behind these new suggestions and do the right thing to make the country a safer place for all to live in, I also suggest you stand behind other restrictions like low cap mags and other such restrictions while a gun owner with licence can have the things like higher cap mags and other restrictions the ones with no licence cannot have, I think this is something you can stand behind and support.
Thank you.
