How much of a threat is Brexit to the unity of the UK? | Inside Story

I am in short going to explain why I support Brexit and such movements in Europe, one reason is, those for EU as it is has flooded Europe with tens of millions of refugees and this has weakened Europe incredibly too much in my opinion, it has weakened European countries and divided them individually internally in two camps so much so that people are talking about civil war and nonsense like that, and it has given arguments to Europes adversaries that would very much like to see Europe weakened for a variety of reasons, those elected officials for EU as it is today that are for taking in as many immigrants as possible I dont know what they truly have in mind when they know they are angering half of its own population with not taking their concerns in consideration, look what I am saying is this, in a family when you as a family are deciding to go somewhere like a picnic or go to the movies you wouldnt go to see a movie all of you if two of three of the family members wouldnt want to see that particular movie, you wouldnt perhaps go to watch it even if one family member would strongly object to it, because that would just ruin the whole experience, that is what a healthy family would do, in order not to create disharmony you would as parents take all those in the familys in consideration, but today I would say more than half of the family members of European countires are very strongly objecting to this issue alone and the elected officials are overlooking them and their concerns and this is day by day harming and weakening the European countries and people are seeing and feeling that things are not changing for the better but for the worse and guess who is enjoying watching all this infighting you think, those who want to see EU on its knees, I would be for an united Europe as strong as it could be, if the elected officials would not be this stubborn and took care of this issue alone I would be the first for EU and be against Brexit and all of it, I think Brexit and likewise ideas wouldnt be on anyones agenda if this issue with mass take in of immigrants would have been taken care of long before, I would also be for as I have stated before for a borderless nations but this is not realistic right now, things are NOT changing for the better right now, the culture here is also changing for the worse, the immigrants do not want to integrate they most of them are not even learning the native languages they are not contributing for the advancement of the new country who is providing them with the necessities they only could dream of in their own countries like a good education, I mean they are not even willing to learn the language quickly to be part of the larger society and we have to honestly talk about these issues because its all true, we have to at least I do agree with the anti EU people because I also see these unsolved issues are in fact weakening the European countries and I am not even from here, the natives here whos parents their grandparents and generations long before has worked to create the kind of living standards they have inherited to their children these people must really feel the burn more than I do after what I am seeing how things has developed for the worse, and again I truly believe if the European countries in this case the UK if they could could be their own men and women to decide how they should run their own country they would in face contribute to a stronger Europe and not the other way around, Brexit is making Europe stronger I think, and I have no doubt the European countries would always come to each others rescue in case of an outside forcefully attacking a European country, you dont need EU to defend each other you would do it in any case, so that is not a valid argument and I am sure European countries can have free travel visa free travel between each other like they did before, the problem here is the massive influx of immigrants, this is the problem and as long as some elected officials do not want to compromise on this issue you can be sure resistance of anti EU will grow and may God forbid it could lead to the exact opposite of the original thoughts and idea to have a strong Europe would be, sometimes I think perhaps there is a conspiracy behind this, perhaps some want to collapse Europe internally to aid its adversaries because none of this makes any sense to me, we see we all can see how this issue has divided all of Europe and its getting worse by the day and still some insist this is the right way, conspiracy perhaps or just massive idiocy at best I dont know, what I do know is, this cannot continue and it has to change, if it was up to me as I have mentioned before, I would start to deport all those who has come here for the past ten years and I would also put others to tests in language skills and if anyone commits a serious crime or even violent crimes I wouldnt care if they got their lets say Swedish passport last year I would still deport that person to the country of their parents, I mean next to zero tolerance, people either learn how to behave or they will get deported, it sounds harsh but if things develop as it has thus far in ten twenty years it would have been intolerable to live here, the point is things are NOT changing for the better we are heading at the wrong direction it cant continue this way or we would not recognize Europe or these parts of it as we knew it, and more importantly I am afraid people in mass numbers will take things in their own hands and start an armed violent revolution, Europe has a history of doing such things from the past and it looks like history is about to repeat itself and again, it will only end up with devastation and all will suffer loses, we should do great things with the resources we have instead of waging devastating wars and conflicts, we could change direction right now, its never too late but you need to grow a pair and do the hard things, set up new rules and make sure it is followed  and dont walk from your responsibilities, to start with you need to stop taking in any further immigrants, I mean zero and those who has come for the past ten years if they have not learned the language perfectly has to be deported, and if they have committed any kind of crime those who came the past ten years has need to be deported, look these immigrants from where they came from they have no tolerance for anything from the societies and countries they came from and when they come here with the rights we have here they get lost in themselves, truly they do they cant help themselves, look I will give you an exemple I have seen this summer myself, I have seen immigrants in other peoples gardens in other peoples property picking fruit from their trees, if it was their own countries they wouldnt dare pick one fruit from a branch hanging outside someones property but here they feel and give themselves the right to enter someone elses property to pick fruits, they feel like the owner of this house owes them something, people reading this must for forget, these same people wouldnt even look at someones property in their own countries, so its not like they are unaware of ethics and what is right and what is not, they know but here they feel they are exalted from any laws and this is what bothers me, they dont feel like they have any share in keeping things in order like they didnt in their own countries either, what I am saying is, ou need strict laws and enforcement of it to teach people what they can and not to do, and when you start to deport a couple of them, they will get the message but this with interaction and language skills is something both young and old must come with terms with because if you cannot communicate one cannot evolve for the better either so this has to be mandatory and the standards must be next to perfect, or they need to be deported, I am sorry to be this harsh but we need change and we need people to get the right message, they are either part of the greater good or its bye bye, back to wherever the hell they came from, young and old, contribute or get out, this is what I would do, at least learn how to communicate for Gods sake, is it too much tit too much to ask for, I dont think so.
