Hello friends, a quick update for your pleasure not mine precisely although that is not the entire truth, it has been both challenging tough I have learned alot and it at times been fun, I have sailed for 10 straight days, damn I am good or getting better at this, either way, I am good, telling myself ;) the thought from the beginning was to take the northern route the northern North Sea then into the Norwegian Sea the towards GreenLand and then south to US and V, baby :), but I never came that far lol I tried at least, here is what happened, I took the northern route because it is much less traffic, much rougher seas but less trafficked so you have time to rest and sleep at times, the southern route through the English channel is much much more trafficked and crowded and you often get the tides against you and you dont have much room to maneuver, it is after all the most traficated shipping lanes in the world and these damn ships wont wave away for anyone, they ram you over if you get in their way and you cant blame them, they dont have much room or much less room to maneuver than us and thats how it is, so at first I also chose the northern route rather having to deal with the English Camels lol so I headed north at first.but then I encountered a massive storm that for my part lasted three full days, it was ripping my boat apart actually, not kidding, I was hanging on for my life for God and king I am telling you, it wasnt fun, and I had headwinds and head on currents like I never had seen before and it was damaging my boat so I had to head back south and take the English Channel with its camels, right now I am in the wonderful country of Netherlands and its very nice and polite people, they are very helpful very much like the Norwegians were, in actual time it shouldnt take me ten days to reach here but I as I said tried the northern route first then were forced to head back south, or else I could do this distance in half of the time and even here at south the seas are not as rough but still its no picnic as you say, there is a lot of hard wild winds trying to tests every man final resolve, again ten days of sailing nonstop on your own makes you forget all pleasantries lol but you keep your faith in God holding on to that stronger than ever before, and lucky at that because today when I arrived here I was told nobody was out sailing for three days because of the storm here at south and I told them, you should see how it was northwards lol that is bad weather not this, I actually ripped part of my jib my front sail off a bit, but its cool I have two more and this one still works, I am telling you friends, if you can sail the North Sea in bad weather you can sail ANYWHERE, fuck hurricanes now, right now I am certified sailing anywhere at anytime, and also this boat I have now is much better than the first crap, but I liked that old crap too, I had worked alot on it but this one is much safer and its lot faster too, I have one of these folding propellers on it, baby :) :) I am holding six knots easy 8,8 at one time and I am telling you, 8,8 is fast, at least for me and this heavy boat it is, I could do more but it is just too dangerous when you are on your own because there are no room for one single mistake you know, one bad mistake you over power your boat and you are finished in the middle of nowhere and who is coming for your rescue, nobody, perhaps God but you shouldnt take that for granted either but all thanks to Him I am safe, and Amen to that, so these lost days oh yes and another thing why I came to Holland, in the heavy weather in the north I took in alot of seawater salt water and it got into my freshwater tank and ruined my fresh water so I just needed to get somewhere fix the leak and the issue with the valve because its my first ever trip with her majesty the boat :) so I am not familiar with what she is up to and capable of but in all honestly, it is a capable boat, it can do the trip across the Atlantic she can, and something else I was lucky with the trip northwards was I found out when I came down south was, in the west of Scotland where I was heading towards is a even wilder weather that has lasted for over a week, and I without any weather forcast was heading right into the eye of the storm, I am not kidding take a look at how it is east of Scotland right now its catastrophic, you just dont want to be there even in a submarine, in any case I am happy I had to turn back, in a day or two Iam crossing the English Channel, I have asked a couple of more experienced people of some advise and I think I know what I am doing right now and also think about it, I am doing this on my own without a plotter with no weather forecast of any kind just a handheld GPS and a compass, who does that lol :):)
