Whatever you do, dont give in, you have the right on your side and you dont have to budge to the Communist Party of Maoland, there will be hell to pay if they dare go in and murder people with their military, the world will be turned upside down if thyat happens, and I have something to say to the Communist Party cult members, and I have been thinking about this answer for two weeks so they better pay close attention, dont ever threaten with fire because it catch right back at you and some of us are fireproof, there are fires that will anc can put out lesser fires and you are paying close attention to the fireiest of them all, you WILL give in to the peace loving protesters of Hong Kong and their demands because if you dont, whatever you do from now on will only be in your own disadvantage and loss, if I were you I would have cut my losses do the right thing before it even gets worse and retreat, there are only two options, one is to do the right thing, recognize that the Hongongers are NOT your mainland subjugated slaves but free men and women very different from what you are and leave them with their peace the other option is to escalate things like you are doing and in the end you would have lost more than yesterday, these are your options, make a move, its up to you now, be stupid if you like works either way doesnt mater but I would recommend you being wise here because you wont win this if you go stupid that is.
