"60 Minutes" asks Saudi prince: Did you order Khashoggi murder?

I have never seen an uglier princess lying her disgraced face off than she, damn she is ugly, I urge the good people in his family his relatives those around him and the Saudi people to overthrow him and his rule and get back to a rule where corruption that Gods prophets fought to keep clear and clean from, you in Arabia owe this to God and His prophets, you owe this, you have a duty you have neglected for too long and time is running out my friends, judgment will knock on all of your doors asking for a reseat you can not show and then what ?? you all know God judge nations along side all its tribes and you are NOT in a good position, and this ugly princess is one major cause of the judgment you all will fall under for, I am your true friend and I am telling you the truth, your call.
