China accuses Pelosi of interfering in Hong Kong

Im have no other comments other than what Speaker Pelosi said, ok I have one comment to ad, we have seen the Chinese Communist Party bringing out the Triad gang to beat the activists, this is a trend among totalitarian corrupt hypocritical regimes, because as many of you know the mollas brought out outsiders from Iran from Lebanon and Iraq to beat down the protesters in Iran a few years ago, they are on videotape speaking Arabic in police uniforms beating people indiscriminately, we hear similar testimonies by the Hongkongers saying the most sadistisk riot police are not the regular Hong Kong police but brought in from the mainland speaking in other accents, so it is clear that these criminal regimes are closely connected to major criminal gangs, the world must pay attention to this, the free world that is the just world leaders that is, do not allow financial interests take over our societies and turning into huge ghetto, where they themselves originated from to begin with, criminals are about to take over the world by buying it up with blood money they have collected by criminal activities, we have to unite and I want all people reading this to start speaking out like they have never stood stronger around any other issue, this is just as urgent as the climate crisis, get active !!
