Gina McCarthy: Climate Tipping Point | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO)

I would like to see solar panel on ALL roofs, th3n I would like to see all new houses being build in the most efficient way, a house should be when the doors and windows are close must be almost completely airtight so that it doesnt release air in any way to keep the warmth inside in winter and the cold in the sommer, it is very cheap to do, all you need to do is to rap the inside of the room with construction plastics and make it airtight, like a submarine, then of course you need modern windows to let in the heat from the sun and keep it inside, all new houses should be constructed in this way, then another thing we should to is to make sure and this is very serious, we should must make sure our own solar panels and everything attached around it is NOT being manufactured more expensive than those we import from China, I dont care how you go about it, if you have to make all of it tax free for being built domestically it has to happen, government subsidies whatever its better than our money being spent outside in vane, just make it happen, set up a committee to work something out, we will do it sooner or later if I can help it, there are products that just MUST be built domestically I dont care how it happens it just has to, so we need new construction methods and solar on all new houses doenst need massive expensive battery banks installed, what will happen is, the houses their own equipments produce electricity they feed into the national greed they of course dont need to pay for it and the powerstation can put down their own input and by that save a lot of emissions, and those hours of the day like in the nights and other hours there is less input from our houses then the power companies can resor the ballance, this way we can make our cities three times more efficient, and thats a lot. look Germany is already doing it, we can too, only better, thats our new slogan and motto, Only Better, so lets lets get down and do this thing.
