Greta Thunberg on the "gift" of Asperger's in fighting climate change: "...

Look if all Super Heroes like you know who ;) panicked we wouldnt think or be outside comic books, what I am saying is, what if Super Hero World Leaders like myself does panik, especially after the horrific storm I encountered, I am like cool air dwelling in the hottest eye of a storm, baby :), as you can see, i cant even spell panic very well and you dont want to hear me pronounce it, I pronounce panic as, gas it up sister, to more serious note, I am glad she is safe and got to her destination that quickly, but I am not complaining myself, here in Portugal its sunnynot as bright as I am but close enough and we are chilling, listen to this, even the fishes are chill sun swimming or just floating around and talking it easy, so you see nobody is complaining, I think I will stay here for a month or two before I head sail and make an attempt to do this thing here, I will be in NY in January I think, then it will be cold winter over there, bummer, But I would very much like to be there before Christmas, that would also be cool, anyways all these things are in Gods hand, you take care of yourself Greta !! :)
