Hello friends !
There has been an issue I wanted to clarify further and the subject is so vast and complicated that made me think, to do it justice I would require me to take a real deep breath and put it down in a million words, and still right now I am hesitating to get down to business and do some of it, at least because I think the longer time goes the more damage is being done to my image my agenda who I am and what I want done, and again the topic is so vast that in order to do this properly first I have to go back to some earlier happenings and correct and clarify them first before I perceive, and right now again I am having second thoughts because it feels like this would be like beginning of starting writing a whole book a self biography and deal with all the issues of the past and the future, I will try to make as short as I can, I promise, I know there are many who says the guy is not trustworthy because of......, and I know I have angered some people over these issues, to start with and this is perhaps where the real discussion should begin, if you have any sense of compassion you know what I am about to start with saying is where we should start, you need to know when it comes to almost any issue from macro to micro, not one soul on this planet have ever spoken two sincere honest words to me, it has always been words of either deception or other twisted words, so it has been hard for me to act and build my decisions on real facts, the only so called facts I get is through this screen, and it gets as so called real as it gets, but in my case it is even more complicated than this as you perhaps can understand, one thing is for sure, the day will come where I can build my statements on real facts, then you can say, there are issues we all are talking about that are almost as factual as it gets, but I would disagree with you, you might say there are issues out there like immigration like gun control like climate change that are you either are for it or against it, you might say these are simple things to grasp its not rocket science so why are you making things complicated, you are both right and wrong, I would say, I need to know more, more like, look, before this little trip of mine, I was a bit more restrained with respect to immigration, and force people to mix as some call it and force this cultural collide many are talking about, these people who say these things are themselves both right and wrong, during my little sailing trip out in the sea you have time to reflect, this is why it has been said that travel and see the world and its different people open your eyes to FACTS, not what you have seen on this screen or heard from others and their views, you need to be there feel the air taste it then take a step back to judge for yourself what to make of it, in real time, and during my journey I had some time to think at least about one thing, and that was, why people feel like they have to take drastic steps decide to take whatever they can carry and seek a better place where they can have some piece of mind and a better life, and depending who you are as a person defying what a better life means can mean many things, I know what it means for me, I have this urge to change things for the better, on any level I can, look friends people are programmed in different ways, we are not all made of the same fabric, doesnt mean I am more than you or you lesser than me, it just means we were created differently, I am person that money and power means absolutely nothing to me if it was meant for me to be used to do harm and to commit sins, when I was in the English channel a week before that horrific storm, I actually made a written contract with God, I agreed to three things and I am going to tell you what it was, first, I would never take any drugs of any kind ever again, in fact I promised to never get even drunk, I never drink anyway but the point wa to never get out of my natural state, this was one of the promises, but I am allowed to if I want drink one cold beer or a clash of wine a day if I want and I can tell you what, this promise has been kept here where I do enjoy a cold beer in this hot weather :) the second promise was that I would never take anything that does not belong to me, this must be said, I never ever has taken anything from a private person, I mean I am a kind of person you can leave a million dollars with me and collect it as you left it, but I have taken things from big corporations but even this I have made part of my repentance with my God that would never happen again even it it would mean my death, the third promise was to never ever again have any sexual activities of any kind outside marriage, so I wrote these three down on paper and signed it and through it in the sea again, I know God will test me and so will the Devil but only because God has allowed him to do so, because even the Devil has to ask God for permission to make such moves, he doesnt have any real powers you know, he cant do anything but to tempt people by his other little devils, he is a nobody really, but enough about him, the reason I talk about this is because I know these issues has been raised among people and now I am telling you, things has changed on the range baby and all for the better, then a week after God tested me in that storm where day by day or more like half of day by half of a day one thing after the other got broken in a manner I saw, this is unnormal, why are things getting worse like it does, like this thing, losing your propeller, I mean what is the chances of that, if you are a sailor you know what I mean, it sits there secure with a splint and everything and it shouldnt get off, it was many things like this, but again I never lost faith in anything and I certainly wanst afraid to die, at all, sure I shed a tear a couple of times but that was because I couldnt see why God was making it this difficult for me, and I am not talking about encountering a bd storm, I can deal with that, it wa the little things that happened, anyways, I will save the details for the book to come, and I have told you at that time I couldnt see why God was delaying my trip with small hinders here and there, one reason was that if everything was about to go according to my plan, I would have been in Caribbean and things could have gone very very wrong, I was not as I before I set sail from Sweden was unaware of the hurricane season, I thought, I will deal with it as it comes, who cares, its not like you are going to die or anything, in the worst case scenario you will eventually end up on one shore somewhere and we have to take it from there wherever it is, but God who steers everything yet not had other plans and I still dont know how things will end up, I even perhaps not end up in Murica, who know these things, but the aim is there, because there is a special person I have to see first before anything else, I promised to make this short and I intend to do so, about politics, if God wills, first I have to get there talk to a couple of people feel and taste the air and make more fact based decisions then, I am not trying to be unpredictable because I dont have fact to truly base judgments on, and thats the way it is, but I have a smile on my face with a hopeful tone to it.
