How far can $1,000 a month take Andrew Yang

I promise 1200 grand , now wazap Yang Man ?? seriously its an excellent idea, it will uplift the whole economy, but as I said it has to be complimented with other initiatives great one for it to work, otherwise it wont have the maximum effect it could have, and it will be also great for the smaller banks as well, imagine you need to save for opening a small business, where are you gonna put your money at, at the bank of course, and after a couple of years, you are God willing independent opened your small business and what do you know, another Macrosoft is perhaps risen, and with a 1200 bucks that you are given each month, the banks will be encouraged to lend you more to again open your own business, this is the American dream baby, so yes, I do support the Yang Man, to become my personal adviser or my own Mr Nice Vice President, of Amirica, I couldnt have said it better :)
