Inside one of the world's largest licensed brothels - BBC News

It is one thing to have mature women with all kinds of legal protections covering them up doing these kind of sinful things but its a whole nother matter having lawless brothel cities where children are grown up in, a life to be doomed like their unwise mothers and with men abusing them especially in a country that claim they are God fearing, it says everything we need to know about their leaders, the mollas are not better, they have made it legal and part of their cult religion, with their so called temporary marriages, a "marriage" from just minutes to however long, the mollas has made mockery of God and His prophets and what is written in the Holy Books, we should cut the dicks of them all and feed them it, for this insult, damn you if you support any of these little devils, this has to stop, and their leaders must be kept accountable for the countless of lives they have ruined with their policies and religious false fatwas, may God bring their rule down sooner, Amen,
