Iran Foreign Minister: US strike would trigger 'all out war'

I have said it many times before and I wont stop saying it again, the unclean criminal mollas they see they have only two options for survival, the most prefered option is for them to be left alone so they could weaken the Iranian people and continue corrupting their way forward like they have done for the fast 40 years, the second option in their view to keep on hanging on for a little bit more is if Iran got attacked by outside forces, like in the case of Saddam the cursed one, another useful corrupt idiot, I know for a fact there are Iranian factions that has been hired by the molla intelligence services that are Iranian Saddam lovers to be used against me, but thats another subject matter, but also let me say this about the unclean mollas, they have used Iranian prostitutes against me and also MEK members, I know this for a fact so if you thought the official story of the so called mortal rivalry between the mollas and the MEK cult you dont know nothing yet brother or sister, they both hate me and for good reasons, because they are corrupt and I am not, but back to the point I was making, these are the two options these filthy unclean mollas have, so we must try to avoid any of this to happen, Iranians will rise up and cut them all down themselves in time, and we must provide this time for them to see fort themselves even for those who still support these rats they are actually anti God and they are I would say much much worse than they claim they are against, the mollas and their IRGC like all other intelligence services are directly involved in the global drug trade like their Hezbesheytan who I know are all criminals and drug traffickers and I also would claim the Iranian mollas are on top of the food chain when it comes to the global heroin trade, they are of Satan their original father, I know like their father their time left on earth is short and in due time Iranians will take care of them all and it wont be pretty, it will be nasty, they will be sent back to the hellholes they crawled out of, and I will be there to oversee it all, Amen.
