Iran rejects talks after US blames it for Saudi attack

Did Irans little molla just grand standing here by saying the US should repent ?? very funny, well, the US will repent but after all mollas has repented first, and till that, enjoy the sanctions, the fact is, the mollas and their corrupt to their spinal cord the IRGC, they are living good despite the sanctions, sure they have lost alot of money, but there are more room to hurt their pockets, what a comic statement by the grand little molla, that US should repent, little serpents themselves who has brought nothing but shame upon Gods last prophet and the Last Testament, he and his gang of evil cant fool anyone, I know what the deal is, I know of whom their take their orders from, corrupt little devils, Iranians MUST rise up against this evil of mollaism, I have to be honest about this, I do not know how the Shia mollas were a decade or so ago but from what I know of them at this point today is, they have sold out to the Devil himself, their father and the evidence is clear, anyone dishonoring the word of God and His messengers are doing the Devils work, especially people on that level, they are more guilty than anyone, YOU Iranians, I am telling you, these molla are NOT men of God, you know that we all know this, the question is just, for how long are you willing to take this pressure they have subjected you to, only God knows, I wouldnt agree with external intervention militarily at the same time I know you are too weak to rise up against them devils yourselves, you will need help, but not from just anyone, I hope God will hear your prayers and answer you if He sees you worthy, Amen to that.
