Iran warns to ‘destroy’ any aggressors after Trump to provide troops to ...

I wouldnt even be afraid if the mollas got their hands on nukes, they certainly have bio and chemical agents and nukes upon that wouldnt change the outcome of anything, the message that should be very clear to them is this, if they dared use any WMD, the punishment they will receive will not only be nuked back to stone age starting with their city of Qom, the molla city, but whomever has supported them in any fashion around the world will be wiped out totally, it can be in the tens of millions if necessary, noi mercy will be granted them and their cult members, I am talking about THE final solution, to their cause, so they can go on and make little threats of retaliation over a hypothetical attack they never will be granted but if they dared make a wrong move themselves, no one single one of them would make it out alive, so they better not act as if they have capabilities anywhere, they better recognize they are playing with fire in its most active form, they will be 100% wiped out no question about it, not 99% but 100% wiped out, dirty filthy corrupt monkeys, but again here is the thing, I know these rats are smarter than that, all this blistering is for domestic consumption and for some others, I promise them rats, in time they all be isolated and left alone rotting and weakened then the Iranian people themselves will deal with them, once and for all, I have deemed you anti God corrupt as their master the Devil and no God fearing groups and individuals must ever take their side over mine, let this be said, the mollas has done me ill for too long along with their Hezbesheytan cult members and I will never forgive them for that, so people have a choice to make, and I hope in time they will make the right decision, because I am NOT ever going to have peace with these rats and thats final.
