James Corden responds to Bill Maher’s fat-shaming | The View

Bill is both wrong and right, shaming masses to change some destructive behaviour ican and has been very effective, but as long as it doesnt go to personal attacks, in particular fat shaming because as you ladies and ma man who I love dearly Corbyn said it, it is a personal struggle, people doesnt struggle to wear seatbelts jaywalking and talk loudly on metro and things like that, people do actually struggle with their eating habits because of how their brains work with outburst of joy hormones, I am sure Bill who I also like very much perhaps like myself he is sometimes too eager to get a message out there before he thinks through it , had he left the fat shaming out of it the message he tried to get across would have been received much better, ok so what of all things he said one thing wrong, so what happens now, should be hang him like we did with Al Franken, poor guy, Al that is, lets get him back, miss the guy.
