���� Jordan - King Addresses General Debate, 74th Session

When these Arab leaders speak of religious freedom and basic human rights they always speak of broad terms and keep their sentences as short as possible but when it comes to their own suffering under others, ohh then they go into details on how their fellow Arabs are suffering and when an outsider criticize some of them on why they are beating down on their fellow Arab, they answer, you are an outsider you shouldnt intervene in Arab affairs, so it is ok for an Arab to kill another Arab but an outside is not allowed to ask them to stop the killing, because then you interfere in "Arab" affairs, this is just one of many cases with what is going on between the Saudis and the poor Yemenis, this is just one case, to another point, have you ever heard Arab leaders ever stand by Muslims that are not Arabs, like in the case of the Chinese Communist Party and what they are putting the Chinese Muslims and Chinese of other faiths under, no you have not, because Arab leaders and most of the Arabs are damn self serving hypocrites, the Emir of Qatar raises up this issue from time to time but he could have done much more, other than him have you heard or seen any of your Muslim leaders point to the suffering people of Muslims and people of faith are going though in Communist China right now, of course you have not, hell with both the Shia and the Sunni leaders, may God damn them all, criminals thats what they are all without exception, look guys I do not criticize groups like Hamas Fatah Hezbesheytan the mollas in Iran in Iraq and many others for no reason, if I told you what I know of all their leaders starting with Palestinian Fatah you would just hate me out of your own ignorance even more, I am telling you, none of them are worth the air their are breathing, you might accept corruption or just little of it but I am telling you, they are not just casually corrupt, they their family members all of them are corrupt to their spinal cord, and you think these will bring out and put out to display corruption for the benefit of peace, the ONLY reason you dont have peace is because of these people, I dont have a hard time even listening to their carefully written speeches here, makes me sick, they wont risk a hair on their bodies for another human being, in fact it is their custom to kick another man down just for the fun of it this is the name of the game and somebody must keep reminding you of the game, the game is dirty and all of them wants to be earthly winners, keep on playing then.
