Justin Trudeau asks for forgiveness after multiple blackface photos surface

Because I am not Prime Minister Trudeau himself or God to know what the true purpose was behind why he thought it was appropriate to paint his face completely black because Aladdin is not an African for Justin to paint his face like that but at the same time I wouldnt condemn him if the purpose of no matter what how black he paint his face because we dont condemn black people when they paint their faces white like many comedians do, I bet you if it was reverse roles where a white man said and wore and acted like some black lets say comedians did we would made a big deal out of it, and this is in the field of comedy, it feels like there is a double standards here, I also understand the blacks were and still are victims of racism but to bring that up every single time, my question is, when will it end, when we dont put this behind us and stop bring up the issue of race, but thats a broader issue, regarding Justin here, the purpose behind it is what we should look into, not that he painted his face black, I dont have an issue with that at all, in Persian culture as I have mentioned, on the eve of Nowruz their new year, their Santa Claus is a black man, teach year an elderly man paint his face black walk around announcing the good news the coming of the new year, its very charming indeed, so it depends what the purpose of it is, is it to mock certain people or to put them front and center of something, and honestly only Justine and God know the true purpose behind it, and I say dont make an issue for nothing, and if you are of those who just want to condemn people just because, then screw you too because then you are a senseless person and good for not much, also in time you will see me painting my face black wearing what the Persian Santa Claus wear and give people glad tidings of many good news, say then what you want, if you are of those who just have to say something negative, I can assure you, nobody will listen to you.
